2021/22 event highlights

Impactful Conversation – August 11, 2021

2021 Grantee Deborah’s Place welcomed us to their facility at 2822 W. Jackson for a discussion of the challenges faced by unaccompanied homeless women in Chicago, their unique service model, and an update on the great work they are doing with our grant. The presentation was followed by a question-and-answer session and small-group tours of the facility.


Impactful Conversation – August 18, 2021

2020 Grantee Grant Park Conservatory Alliance invited Impact Grants Chicago members and their guests invited to a private tour of the Artist’s Garden special exhibit, Still Life in Real Life: Charles Porter in the Artist’s Garden, which was inspired by the work of the renowned African American artist, Charles Ethan Porter. Our small-group tours were led by Teen Docent guides from The GPCA Urban Roots program, which was partially funded by an Impact Grant.


Kickoff Event – September 21, 2021

We were delighted to return in person and masked to the Jackson Junge Gallery to celebrate the Kickoff of our 2021/22 Grant Cycle. President Caryn Gallop welcomed close to 50 attendees to the start of our fifth year as Impact Grants Chicago, and gave an overview of the upcoming year. Impact Grantees Oji Eggleston of Chicago Survivors and Melody Brooks of Chicago Youth Programs joined us as we savored wine and hors d’oeuvres, and enjoyed chatting with old friends and new and appreciating the wonderful installations on the walls of the Gallery.


Impactful Conversation – September 29, 2021

The leadership team at Chicago Youth Programs, a 2021 grantee, explained their model for addressing the challenges faced by youth growing up in poverty: by serving the whole child with access to quality education, healthcare, skill development, and career opportunity. A question-and-answer session was followed by tours of their Washington Park facility.


Impactful Conversation – October 13, 2021

Resilience, another 2021 grantee, invited our members and moms, daughters, sisters, and friends to a powerful virtual workshop demonstrating one of their prevention education programs on “Autonomy, Consent, and Healthy Relationships.” Resilience presenters shared compelling slides, asked thought-provoking questions, and provided sensitive guidance during this interactive program.


Lunch and Learn – November 17, 2021

Representatives from three of our 2021 Impact Grantees: Chicago Survivors, Chicago Youth Programs and Resilience were our panelists for this year’s very impactful Lunch and Learn. “Helping Our Children Thrive” explored a number of issues and opportunities facing Chicago’s youth. Erin Walton (Resilience), JaShawn Hill (Chicago Survivors), and Melody Brooks (Chicago Youth Programs) stressed the importance of being present and consistent, that children need structure, engagement, nurturing and challenge, and that it’s okay not to be okay – whether you are a small child, a teen or an adult.


Mingle and Jingle Holiday Party – November 30, 2021

We kicked off the season with a festive gathering to celebrate our members and their generous contributions to Impact Grants Chicago. The Floating World Gallery was the backdrop for members to catch up with one another and meet some of the many new members who joined us this year. Members donated gift cards for some of our recent Grantees to pass on to those they serve.

Christmas Wrapping Party – December 2021

Impact Grants Chicago members also had the chance to help children from Impact Grantee Chicago Youth Programs feel the joy of Christmas and the delight of receiving gifts. We wrapped mounds of presents and stuffed gift bags which were distributed at their holiday party. Take a look at the video below to feel the excitement and gratitude that the children felt during their holiday celebration.


Volunteer Event at Lakeview Pantry – April 1 and April 8, 2022

On April 1 and April 8, two different groups of Impact Grants Chicago members volunteered for a shift at Lakeview Pantry, one of our 2020 Impact Grantees. They met at The Hub, Lakeview Pantry’s warehouse, to help unload, sort, inventory, and stock food donations. It was wonderful to see our grant money at work and hear an update about Lakeview Pantry's amazing array of social services.